Spirito Autoctono
Ground floor - Booth 17
Tel +39 347 5429035
Email guida@spiritoautoctono.com
Website spiritoautoctono.it
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Instagram spirito_autoctono
The first Guide dedicated to the Italian production of spirits, amari, vermouth, bitters and liqueurs, increasingly symbols of the biodiversity of the Bel Paese.
Distillates, fine liqueurs, ancient amari. Pieces of the history of good Italian drinking that, for some time now, have been going through an enthusiastic Renaissance. Study, research and rediscovery of traditional recipes, development and enhancement of products, plants and perfumes that tell the history of the territories, to the point of making the places of production real attractions dedicated to narration and promotion.
From this undeniable reality, from this wonderful new deal of good drinking, as is the philosophy of the Vinibuoni d'Italia Guide, or rather the search for that special and authentic relationship that the products and raw materials used to make them have with history and the genius loci, the first national project was born, aimed at telling this heterogeneous world, varied both by type of distillate - from Grappa to Gin, passing through Amari, Bitters and traditional liqueurs there is plenty of choice - both for the history of the companies, where alongside the oldest brands, real start-ups continue to be born.
VINIBUONI d'ITALIA, the guide to wines from native vines in collaboration with the BESPIRIT team, the first national competition for Italian spirits, bitters and bitters, launches the second edition of "SPIRITO AUTOCTONO - La Guida", no longer just an insert, but a real volume that will guide the most passionate and attentive public to the discovery and use of all those products that are born in spiritual, emotional and cultural connection with a place and a territory.
A painstaking research work carried out region by region by eight commissions, which borrowed a large part of the regulation from the 2021 edition; the aim will therefore be to identify once again the products that deserve the Ampolla d'Oro, the highest recognition of SPIRITO AUTOCTONO - La Guida. Following the tastings - operated by national experts and simple enthusiasts, coordinated by the creators of BeSPIRIT - Federica Capobianco (Pr, founder of Affinity Elettive Studio), Francesco Bruno Fadda (Repubblica and James Magazine) and Lara De Luna (Repubblica) - the second edition of SPIRITO AUTOCTONO - La Guida - will indicate the companies that represent the excellence of the Peninsula. A rigorous selection of spirits sometimes aged in barrels of ancient cellars, but also new, fresh and stimulating. Products in the name of craftsmanship, culture and very often art.
Not only an in-depth study of the state of the art, but an agile and useful volume also for discovering the many Italian territories often off the beaten track of food and wine tourism and trade in the sector. In fact, in addition to the many innovations, the upgrades and insights such as the new graphics, the recipe book with suggestions for preparing drink perfect serves, the indication of the best places dedicated to Italian quality drinking and the selection of the best 20 manufacturers, also a section of tourist infographics to discover the varied world of Italian distilleries through more complete experiences such as guided tours, tastings and even wellness programs.